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Golden Farm Products Premium California Spray Millet 5 Lbs

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product code:59441



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Invoice Description: MILLET 5 #


Golden Farm Products® grows and sells Premium Spray Millet®. We provide a healthy, nutritious, pleasantly sweet-smelling product to support your bird’s good health. Birds are very sensitive to what they eat. We strive to consistently grow a superior spray millet that your birds will love and thrive on. That is what you'll find with all of our California Spray Millet® brand bird seed & California Golden Spray Millet® brand bird seed. Huge heads 12 inches long 1 to 1.5 inches thick. It comes packaged in our bright yellow box with our logo on both sides.






Product Details

ManufacturerGolden Farm

BrandGolden Farm Products

Main ProteinSeeds/Grains/Nuts/Beans


AgeAll Lifestages